So last month (October 2018) we finally moved into our new yard closer to our home and with much better facilities plus the bonus of being far cheaper lol! Spike and Ruby very sadly left us for new homes too with Spike going to Taunton …
Some of you may already know but for the rest of you let me officially announce that Team Graney are taking part in the Wobbleberries Challenge in aid of the late Hannah Francis’s Willberry Wonder Pony.
Well that sums up today really! I am really enjoying my schooling work in our arena again but I must say that my back isnt in total agreement with me currently so its extra painkillers, heat pads and pain gel in addition to the normal meds as well!
Mr P looking gorgeous and doing his thing in our recent flatwork session. October 2016
It is so exciting and totally inspiring when you get a horse going well and the buzz is totally out of this world but until your body is totally used to the physical work you demand of it at this extra level it can be quite punishing. I have suffered with lower back pain for many years due to riding professionally for some years and not always staying in complete contact with the horse I was riding however I must say it has rarely prevented me from doing what I really wish to do.
Recently I have been having weekly flatwork lessons with the inspirational and demanding (but completely brilliant) Polly Williamson. Polly used to be an international 4* eventer herself but after an awful near death accident she now no longer rides but coaches instead. I am lucky enough to have her on my doorstep and even better she has plenty of experience with ex-racehorses too.
No Pain, No Gain – its jolly hard work but so rewarding working with Polly!
I am aiming to start eventing again next season but with all of my horses either being extremely green, exracers or just pure loons it is a challenge from total ground zero up! If I could complete each stage on a different horse it may be possible LOL but the point is you do dressage, cross country (with steeplechase and roads & tracks in some cases) and show jumping all on one horse so we have a lot of work to do.
Boots the Chemist is going to see a dramatic rise in their profits in the coming months not just from extra prescriptions for painkillers but also from heat pads and wrist straps and more I suspect. I am not as young as I used to be and my body is as forgiving as it used to be but if they likes of Mark Todd and the like can to do at their ages ( more senior than myself) than so can I!
So I have shared a lot of stories about Griffin and Marmite but let me introduce some of the other herd members gradually shall I! Pearl and Ruby came to us last summer as rescues with a very sad story. Pearl was so nervous only …
Well the Graney family went to the Wiltshire Game Fair last sunday and as always it was great fun. We had a fabulous day out with food, drinkies, treats, and lots more. Izzy had a go at .22 rifle shooting again and archery which if …
On Saturday Izzy and Marmite went over to The Talland at Cirencester for a 1-2-1 lesson to improve their transitions. Izzy was understandably a little nervous and the big digger didnt help as we had to pass it to get to the arena! Marmite certainly approved of their grass though as he did a thorough inspection upon arrival and disembarkation from the trailer lol.
Izzy had to work really hard for the entire lesson with constant trot and only a break from trot when she was cantering lol. Just to ensure she didn’t fall asleep on the job Marmite insisted on putting in a few excitable bucks for good measure too.
Poor Izzy and Marmite were completely exhausted afterwards, but they must have enjoyed it as they are going back for more soon 🙂 Marmite has been a real change from Diva and this last year Izzy has been riding them both, however now Diva has retired Izzy has taken over Marmite from her mum now who has been riding him to bring him on a little ready for her.
They make a great team with both of them being cheeky and mischievous lol so I am sure they will be getting into all sorts of trouble in the next few months and years!
Well what can I say we had our first jumping lesson together, ok poles actually, but we all have to start somewhere! The fabulous Greg Hill International Show Jumper used to train me when I had Preddy in work and did wonders with him so …
Yippee! What can I say after what feels like months of walk and trot work we finally had our first blast around a stumble field this afternoon and oh boy was it worth it. Mr G was such a good boy and really enjoyed it …
Well what can I say lol. Griffin has only joined us this summer after we sadly had to retire Preddy and I felt ready to take on another exracer. I wasnt really looking when I saw his advert but there was something just simply attracted me to him and after many a chat with the racehorse rehoming agent I felt I simply had to visit him. Now this was simplier said than done as it involved a three nearly four hour drive there and another return three nearly four hour drive maybe for nothing, but off we set one saturday afternoon at the beginning of the summer.
To cut a long story short I dragged everyone back the very next day to pick him up with our trailer and my poor very understanding and generous hubby, Colin plus a very excited Izzy.
Griffin enjoying some attention
Griffin has very quickly become a fabulous member of the team and herd, however he has made it very clear that he is a Mummy’s boy. Mummy is the only one allowed to do certain things with him as far as he is concerned. He loves Izzy and is great when she wishes to sit on him (even bareback) and Colin can top up his water or feed him, but if his Mummy isnt around and others have to look after him he makes his feelings more than clear.
Only this week his has bitten Colin and Izzy has had ears back! Why? Well Mummy wasnt there to do his turnout boots or catch him or turn him out due to other business committments and he really wasnt amused in the least. Bless him he is still finding his trust in some ways and getting to know us all but of course its been Elizabeth that has done most of the handling and rebacking so far so its his Mummy he has got used to the quickest. I am more than confident with time and a little more handling by the others he will most certainly come round and warm to them too but it just goes to show the personality these horses have and how they are prepared to express themselves when they feel they need too!
Glorious Protector in his racing days prior to joining Team Graney and becoming Griiffin
Welcome to our great new website for Team Graney. The aim is to allow you to follow our stories, adventures, Â news and herd. Who knows where this journey will led us but what I do know ow is we will have plenty of fun on …